‘Salem’s Lot, King’s
second novel, is utterly brilliant.
Essentially a book of two halves, it takes the mythos and legends of
vampires, and transplants it into a modern (well, the 1970s) small-town America. As we gradually get to know and love – and hate
– the locals, an impending sense of doom gradually creeps over us, as we build
up to the explosive final scenes.
The main character, though, is The Lot itself. In long, flowing narrative, King expands on
his descriptions at points throughout the novel. “In the fall, night comes like this in the
Lot:” begins one chapter beginning only 100 pages from the end of the
story. As carnage is ensuing, and chaos
breaking out, King takes a breath, and reminds us that this town should
function like every other. There are processes,
protocols, for this time of year, ones which should be followed to the
letter. But as all hell breaks loose, it
seems that only King is interested in these systems. In ‘Salem’s
Lot, one line rings true over all others: “There’s little good in sedentary
small towns. Mostly indifference, spiced
with an occasional vapid evil”. This
summarises much of his work perfectly.
In the chapter “The Lot (III)”, we see this darkness within
all of the inhabitants. We are able to
glimpse at the horror within each of them.
But we are not asked to judge, as the town does not judge. We are not reading the book to make fleeting
judgements of society. Rather, we are
here to learn. We are spectators, as we
must always be with novels. We cannot
interfere – as with Carrie, we know
that many of these people will die.
Most, in fact. Indeed, the only
two who we know definitely survive are “the tall man” and “the boy”, as we see
them in the prologue. Which means that,
regardless how these people live their lives, they are doomed. Over the course of the 598 pages, we are to
see the genocide of this small town, eaten apart by its own depravation. Again, this theme will later be revisited, in
stories like The Stand and Under the Dome. There is little that anyone can do to change
these events, although a brave few try.
Ben Mears is the aforementioned ‘Tall Man’, and he is what
we presume is intended to be the main character. Tall, handsome in a far-off way, he is the
outsider to the town. He has his own
ghosts, but he is in the Lot to try to cleanse some of those demons. In the first half of the book, we see his
new-found relationship with Susan Norton; pretty, harmless, innocent. We see him being regarded with curiosity and
disdain by the locals. We see him make
new friends, drive around town looking for inspiration for his next book. He is a writer.
Writers are one of the most frequently revisited characters
in all of King’s works. From Misery to The Shining, principle characters are authors, trying to understand
the world around them as it falls apart.
This could be seen as laziness on King’s part – writing what he knows –
but instead, he uses these characters as devices to understand the events
happening. Whilst a more literal man, a
worker or engineer, would try and fail to appreciate the threat, a character
like Ben gets it. From the beginning, he understands the
dangers. He attempts to excuse it,
looking for practical ways in which to test theories, hoping that he is
wrong. But deep down, he knows that he
isn’t wrong, and that the whole world has gone to hell.
Another of the atypical Kingsian characters is that of Mark
Petrie, the ‘boy’ of the prologue. The
boy is smart, world-wise and likeable.
He is a little effeminate, but deep, and courageous. He is the sort of boy we all wish we had known
– or indeed, been. His fight with the
school bully, Richie Boddin, has the readers praying that he wins. Bullies like Boddin exist in every walk of
life, every environment. Not necessarily
through physical harm, but regardless, they torture and taunt, believing, as
Boddin does, that the “ground shook beneath his feet”. Petrie’s courage seems to know no bounds – he
knows what must be done, and so does it.
He visits the Marsten house, with a gun and a stake, and singlehandedly
defeats Straker. His understanding of
the world, and his focus, are enviable.
Whilst hogtied in the lair of the vampire king, as it were, he simply
thinks. Practically and methodically, he
frees himself, and is able to cripple the bad guy quickly and calmly. This bravery of the young is revisited by King
in multiple stories, from It, The Stand and
The Body through to Dreamcatcher and Black House.
As I mentioned, this is a slow-burner of a book, a book of
two halves. As the darkness is hinted at,
but characters go on with their lives unknowingly, we are introduced to each of
these characters. Then the shit hits the
fan, and the darkness takes over. Each
and every one of these characters commits the most heinous acts, fulfilling
their darkest fantasies. Characters get
their comeuppance so quickly that we can barely breathe before the next
murder. Babies are slaughtered – “one
leg stuck up grotesquely, like an inverted exclamation point” - dogs are
mutilated, dark rites are performed in the nude with the corpses of children, a
gravedigger desecrates a grave and opens a coffin to reveal the stench of death
and the hunger of the Undead.

Through use of clichés, ones which are openly acknowledged
and discussed, the reader is almost on the same page as the characters. We know the stories of stakes through hearts,
garlic, sunlight et al. As such, Barlow’s
ability to always be one step ahead cheats us too. For such clichés to then be suddenly
unfounded – with Barlow’s death, we expect his hordes of Undead to simply fade
away, but no such thing happens, and they must be individually vanquished –
throws us a curveball and leaves us desperately clinging on to the few facts
that we do know for certain. King has us
guessing, right to the last, and that’s refreshing. He doesn’t simply make do rehashing an old
story. It is fresh, and original, and
absolutely horrific.
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